Terms of use
- This Terms of Use constitute the rules that apply if you choose to use the “share your story” section of our webpage www.menotmigraines.com (“Webpage”).
- By participating and sharing your story, you accept this Terms of Use and our Privacy Statement, which can be accessed via the Webpage.
- By entering your story, texts, pictures and other copyrighted or non-copyrighted materials (Materials) in the field(s) specified, you allow us, Grünenthal GmbH, Aachen, Germany and its affiliated companies (“Grünenthal” or “us”) the right to use the Materials to publish them on the Webpage or related Webpages such as Facebook, Twitter, Instagram etc. The publication on such platforms may be governed – in addition to these terms of use - by the terms of use of such platforms, if applicable.
- By entering Materials, you declare that you have the right to do so, namely that you are the owner or legitimate licence holder of such Materials and that no personality right of third parties are infringed by such post.
- All content of Materials you submit must be in line with all applicable laws. Mainly you confirm by submitting your information that you will not use inappropriate language and that you will not post comments which are discriminating, racist or otherwise violating third party rights. We will delete any Materials containing such language or content.
- As a user you must not comment or mention products/drugs of Grünenthal or other pharma companies. We will delete all Material containing such information as we are not allowed to publish it.
- After submission of Materials by you, we will review them and decide whether to publish them, or not. You will not be contacted by us on this decision. We reserve the right not to publish any of the submitted Materials, or to rework or amend any of such Materials (e.g. in case you mention products/drugs of Grünenthal or other pharma companies, we would delete such parts) or to withdraw published Materials. If we choose not to publish Materials or withdraw published Materials, such Materials will be deleted. You will not be able to retrieve Materials from us.
- For the rules on the use of your personal data and your rights related to such use, see the “Privacy Statement” which can be accessed via the Webpage.